First a bit about me: My name is Khail, I'm a college student at Brigham Young University which is a pretty large private University in Utah. Originally I'm from Wisconsin where meeting a drunk driver is a part of growing up. I'm an open major right now, but I have a few ideas. These comics are really just a hobby.
This wasn't an official webcomic in the beginning to be perfectly honest with you. And I will be honest with you because I love you. It was more of a training ground for guest strips that I did for a different comic site known as My Skinny Jeans Are Red which will henceforth be known as MSJAR. He's currently unable to post his own comics now, so I'm sort of making my own way now with my own comics tainted with voodoo magic that make Aaron jittery (the MSJAR guy). I apologize if you don't find these comics at all entertaining because of poor content or poor art skills. Maybe if you believe REALLY hard, I'll get better.
And who knows? Maybe my comic will take off someday and then be able to retire early in a yacht the size of Rhode Island, which I will sail out to sea with my trophy wife and then get caught in a hurricane and stranded on a large, and before now unknown, island. There will already be other people there and I'll start a small civilization that will become famous for it's exquisite ballroom dances until I lose my wife ten years later and go mad and try to take over the world, which will be unsuccessful. After much rehab I'll write a book, get rich, and start all over again.
My ultimate goal is for this comic to become something that people can enjoy reading a few times a week. LOTS of people, because then I will feel very self affirmed. Also, one day I hope I get my own website that isn't powered by blogger. That'd be nice.
I also have a vlog which might be funny and might be boring, you be the judge.
Click HERE for the link
HERE is my twitter. I don't know if I posted recently or not...