Sunday, March 11, 2012

Cheater Sketches

        This one might be my most pathetic attempt to cover up the "I-really-can't/won't-do-a-comic-right-now" comic... heh heh heh, sorry.  Wednesday will feature a real comic, PROMISE! 
        This is the concept art that was made for me and Daniel in my friend Aaron's comic My Skinny Jeans Are Red which was the inspiration for my comic here (As I did a guest strip or two for him and just kept making them until it developed into I Wear Fedora).  I still don't like the polo he put on me.  Anyway this means something to me because it's sort of the beginning of my little pet project here, so now I'm going to tell you about another one!
       There's this silly little trend amongst people who play Minecraft (if this doesn't interest you yet, it won't for the rest of this post, so you can probably be done now) with tumblr "ask" blogs.  Basically, comic writers create a persona based on a Minecraft entity (be it a player or a monster) and answer the questions given.  One of the most popular ones right now is AskEnderbro because it updates REALLY frequently and has strong characters.  However, if you look, you can find an ask blog for just about any creature from Minecraft.
Except (so far as I can tell) the villagers in the randomly spawned village.  So I'm planning on doing one for them.  Fame at last.  I'm not sure when it'll start, and if no one likes it, then screw that I'll give it up.

Phew!  I'm done now.

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