Monday, January 2, 2012

Cheater Strip: Rewrite

Guest strip by my friend Daniel Tu, who has been in my comics a few times and will certainly be in them for the next one.  Why yes, this DOES look like the last comic I did, but I'm betting that's coincidence.  All in all, he is better at funny dialogue (monologue?) than me, I think.  

WEDNESDAY BLOG:  Haha, woah I didn't make a comic today, did I!  Well, I guess you'll have to just wait until Friday.  
Ok ok.  My excuse is that classes started again and my schedule for them is FAR more intense than last term.  But I will try my best to keep a MWF schedule from here on out (With the possible exception of finals week, but hey that's not for a long time, guys!)

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